Havrix 1440 Adult/Havrix 720 Junior

Havrix 1440 Adult/Havrix 720 Junior

hepatitis a vaccine




Zuellig Pharma
Concise Prescribing Info
Inactivated HAV (HM175 strain for Havrix 1440 Adult)
Active immunisation against HAV infection in subjects at risk of exposure to HAV.
Dosage/Direction for Use
IM Primary immunisation Adult ≥19 yr Havrix 1440 Adult 1 mL single dose in deltoid area. Childn & adolescent 1-18 yr Havrix 720 Junior 0.5 mL single dose in deltoid area (in the antero-lateral part of the thigh in young childn). Booster vaccination After primary vaccination w/ Havrix 1440 Adult or Havrix 720 Junior, booster dose should be given between 6 mth & 5 yr, but preferably between 6 & 12 mth after primary dose.
Hypersensitivity to the vaccine or after previous inj.
Special Precautions
Not to be inj SC, intravascularly, intradermally or in the gluteal region. Not for prevention against infection caused by other agents eg, HBV, HCV, hepatitis E virus or other pathogens infecting the liver. Postpone vaccination in patients w/ acute severe febrile illness. Thrombocytopenia or bleeding disorder; syncope. Patients w/ impaired immune system. Patients undergoing haemodialysis. Pregnancy & lactation.
Adverse Reactions
Irritability; headache; inj site pain & redness, fatigue. Loss of appetite; drowsiness; GI symptoms eg, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting; malaise, fever (≥37.5°C), inj site swelling or induration.
MIMS Class
Vaccines, Antisera & Immunologicals
ATC Classification
J07BC02 - hepatitis A, inactivated, whole virus ; Belongs to the class of hepatitis viral vaccines.
Havrix 1440 Adult vaccine
1 mL x 1's
Havrix 720 Junior vaccine
0.5 mL x 1's
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